Emergency Dentistry From Your Dentists In St. Paul

Did you know that Canadians collectively lose over 40 million hours of work every year due to dental problems and treatments? Dental emergencies are more common than you may think and while some can’t be prevented, many can be avoided with proper oral care.

When you experience a dental emergency, why is seeking timely treatment so important?

In addition to the fact that quick treatment can help remove pain and any existing infection, it can also increase the chance of a positive outcome and prevent further damage to your oral and overall health.

What are some of the most common types of dental emergencies?

Toothaches: A toothache can be caused by several things, such as decay, an abscessed tooth, or even gum disease. If you have a toothache that is accompanied by fever, swelling, or vomiting, it’s important to see us right away as this could be a sign of a more serious infection.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth: If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, it’s important to see us as soon as possible. In some cases, the damage may be cosmetic and not require treatment. However, if the crack is large or exposes the inner pulp of the tooth, you may need a root canal or another treatment to save it.

Knocked-Out Tooth: If you have a tooth that has been knocked out, it’s important to receive care within 30 minutes as this will improve your chances of saving your tooth. Call us immediately and then rinse the tooth gently with water and try to place it back in the socket. If that’s not possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk or water until you see us.

Remember, dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. If you’re experiencing one, call Smile Quest Dental in St. Paul now and we’ll prioritize seeing you as soon as possible!

At Smile Quest Dental in saint paul ab, we've helped countless patients determine and treat the cause of their dental related issue. If you're looking for effective solutions to dental issues like Dental Crown, Dental Sedation, Dental Veneers, Invisalign Aligners, Teeth Whitening and Wisdom Teeth Removal call us today!

Young Lady Getting Mumps That Make Her Painful

Contact Us About Emergency Dentistry in Saint Paul Ab Today

  • Treat oral pain and/or injuries ASAP
  • Prevent or eradicate oral infection
  • Increase your chances of a positive outcome with quick action
  • Learn what to do in a dental emergency
  • Protect your smile!

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