Dental Sedation In St. Paul, Alberta Helps Patients Protect & Strengthen Their Smiles

At Smile Quest Dental in St. Paul, we understand that many patients experience dental anxiety and/or fear, which is why we’re happy to provide both oral and IV sedation to help make your visits productive, relaxed, and calm.

How does oral sedation work?

Most often administered in pill form, this sedative medication is taken by patients one hour before their appointment and it works to lower brain activity in the regions that control fear and anxiety. While this type of sedation has varying dosage levels, rest assured that our team will assess your unique needs and determine a dose that’s right for you.

How does IV Sedation work?

IV sedation is the deepest level of conscious sedation you can find in a dental office setting, and it works by quickly delivering sedative medications to a patient’s bloodstream via an IV. Patients who choose to utilize this form of sedation will have their blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels monitored throughout their appointment, and should there be a need to increase or lower the sedation dosage, our expert(s) can adjust them quickly. It’s important to note that with this form of sedation, patients often fall asleep during their appointment and have little if any recollection of their visit.

Who is a candidate for Oral and IV Sedation?

Patients with dental anxiety, a fear or phobia of needles, and those with special needs and/or a sensitive gag reflex may benefit most from sedation options.

How much is sedation dentistry in Alberta?

The cost of sedation dentistry in Alberta varies depending on the type of sedation used and the length of the procedure. At Smile Quest Dental, we provide detailed cost estimates during your consultation, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Can you choose to be sedated at the dentist?

Yes, at Smile Quest Dental, you can choose to be sedated for your dental procedures. We offer various sedation options to help you feel comfortable and relaxed, and we will discuss these options with you during your consultation to determine the best choice for your needs.

Are you curious about oral or IV sedation, or do you have questions about your candidacy for treatment? Contact us at Smile Quest Dental today to discuss!

Closeup View Of Teeth

Contact Smile Quest Dental About Dental Sedation Today

  • Receive the care you need while prioritizing your comfort and relaxation
  • Choose the sedation option that’s right for you
  • Remain awake and calm during your service(s)
  • Have multiple services performed at once, if needed
  • Prioritize your oral health!